BlogMe 2007

I’ve heard all the hype. I’ve read all the anticipatory posts. But I won’t be at the BlogHer 2007 conference.  I just can’t swing it.
What I can do, however, is BlogMe 2007,as started by the wonderful Mocha Momma.


I’m Sarah aka Perogy Princess aka Ms. Cheeze Whiz.  I’ve been blogging and such for 1 year, which started as a way to keep in touch with my fam and friends when we moved to Ontario for my husband’s work.

I am a 25 year old SAHM, formerly a french immersion and math teacher.  I LOVES the math!

I was 20 when I got married and we now have an 11 month old son.

I am a little artsy: I am a pianist, vocalist, amateur songwriter, former Ukrainian dancer, former figure skater.

I am a little Type A: My closet is organized by colour, my cups and glasses MUST be arranged in a certain way in the cupboard, and I get really antsy whenever someone else is in my kitchen.  Even when they’re cooking for me.  I’m just that crazy.

I could live at Starbucks, but I think they’d kick me out eventually…

Tell me about yourself! Just click on the fancy button…

10 thoughts on “BlogMe 2007

  1. I am a mom of a child with a pain disorder, autism, mytochondrial disorder. I have a mom A medical journey of my son at I have a blog just starting on things I can enjoy from here….art, wine, all things California. Then this blog where I was too new at blogging to know not to use my name as an address. BlogMe2007 is really a great idea!

  2. Awwwww. See? I love meeting new people. That blue-eyed, blue-mouthed beauty on your header is precious!

    So great to meet you. 😉

  3. Pingback: Blogme 2007 « You can’t reason with Crazy…

  4. Random blog hopper here – that picture! Those eyes!! Gorgeous child. Hey, I live NEXT TO Chicago, and I still can’t swing it. Bummer.

  5. Found your site from “You Can’t Reason with Crazy”. Love the picture, so adorable. I also hate other people in my kitchen, it like someone going through my underwear drawer.

What do you think?